This Singapore Math book is used in Singapore schools and will help your child master all the essential math concepts and skills that they need to know using a rigorous, comprehensive, systematic, step-by-step and spiral approach. It has helped many children build up a solid foundation in math and will be a very useful math learning tool for your child.
This Singapore Math book is divided into several topical chapters, each of which contains several Basics Builders Lessons and Basics Builders Practices. Each Basics Builders Lesson has several step-by-step examples that will help your child understand and master each new math concept and skill. Each Basics Builders Practice will provide your child with all the essential practice on the math concepts and skills that they have just learnt in the preceding Basics Builders Lesson. In this way, your child will master all the essential math concepts and skills that they need to know quickly and with the least effort.
This Singapore Math book will be an invaluable tool to pupils, teachers, tutors and parents alike. It is highly recommended for all Third Grade / Primary 3 pupils.
Paperback: 294 pages
Answer key and worked solutions : Included
Language: Written in English
Suitable for: Third Grade / Grade 3 / Primary 3