This Singapore Math book for Grade 1 / Primary 1 will teach your child how to identify, recognise and solve the various types of math word problems based upon each math topic, using a rigorous, comprehensive, systematic, step-by-step and spiral approach.
Each chapter in this Singapore Math book is based upon a particular math topic and divided into many focused lessons so that your child will find it easier to learn, absorb, assimilate and master each specific type of math word problems. Together, these lessons break down the various types of math word problems based upon each math topic into easily digestible parts for your child. This will help them to understand each type of math word problems better and boost their confidence in solving math word problems.
This Singapore Math book will be an invaluable tool to pupils, teachers, tutors and parents alike. It is highly recommended for all Grade 1 / Primary 1 pupils.
Paperback: 215 pages
Answer key and worked solutions : Included
Language: Written in English
Suitable for: Grade 1 / Primary 1 (7-year-olds)