This Singapore Math book for pre-kindergarten will teach your child how to master and apply the various math problem-solving heuristics to solve challenging non-routine math problems, using a rigorous, comprehensive, systematic, step-by-step and spiral approach.
Each chapter in this Singapore Math book is based upon a particular math topic and divided into many focused lessons so that your child will find it easier to learn, absorb, assimilate and master each specific math problem-solving heuristic to solve different types of challenging non-routine math problems. Together, these lessons break down the different types of challenging non-routine math problems and math problem-solving heuristics based upon each math topic into easily digestible parts for your child. This will help them to understand each specific math problem-solving heuristic better and boost their confidence in solving challenging non-routine math problems.
This Singapore Math book will be an invaluable tool to pupils, teachers, tutors and parents alike. It is highly recommended for all Pre-Kindergarten pupils.
Paperback: 94 pages
Answer key and worked solutions : Included
Language: Written in English
Suitable for: Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery