Multiple EditionsAll the books that are featured on this website are available in multiple editions, including International Edition, Singapore Edition, Australia Edition and US Edition. Please choose only the edition that you prefer. All the editions are written in English and contain essentially the same questions based on Singapore Maths curriculum and education standards. However, they contain four major differences. - First, the people names and place names in each edition have been carefully selected to reflect the unique culture of each country, so that your child will not be unnecessarily disadvantaged nor put off from having to grapple with unfamiliar names.
- Second, all the editions use British spelling, except the US Edition which uses American spelling, so that your child will not be confused with the spelling discrepancies.
- Third, all the editions use metric units, except the US Edition which uses both metric units and US customary units of measurements.
- Fourth, all the editions use currency units that are applicable in the respective countries / regions wherever applicable.